Define Metrics

The tutorial meter plugin has but a single metric that needs to be defined. Meter plugin metrics are defined in a file name metrics.json.

Details on the contents of metrics.json is described in Metrics

Adding metrics.json

Add the metrics.json file to your repository by the running the following:

$ git checkout step1

View Contents Of metrics.json

$ cat metrics.json
        "defaultAggregate": "AVG",
        "defaultResolutionMS": 1000,
        "description": "Metric definition for the tutorial meter plugin",
        "displayName": "Tutorial Metric",
        "displayNameShort": "Tut. Metric",
        "isDisabled": false,
        "unit": "number"

Add Metrics To Pulse Account

Metric definitions can be added to your account in several ways (see Metrics) in this tutorial we use the TrueSight Pulse CLIs.

To add the metric definitions we need to first, obtain your TrueSight Pulse account e-mail and API token from Settings => Account. Next we run the following command:

metric-create-batch -e <> -t <your API Token> -f metrics.json